Geodiversity is for everyone.

Rocks are the foundation of all eco systems which are irreparable once damaged.

Geodiversity is for everyone.
Many people may think that painting and graffiti on rocks are a harmless way to express their creativity, but they may not realize this is an irresponsible and selfish act with serious consequences. The rocks and landforms in the nature belong to every one of us, they are our natural heritage and treasure, one should not deface and/ or damage them. In addition, the chemicals in the paints can leach into the soil and water, contaminating the ecosystems. Moreover, the paint can obscure the geological features and earth history of the rocks, depriving us of the opportunity to learn from them and appreciate their beauty. Worst of all, once the rocks are damaged or destroyed, they can never be restored.
Association for Geoconservation, Hong Kong (AGHK) has launched the Rock Cleaning Angels project since 2007. Their geo-guides and volunteers take the ‘angels’ to different locations where graffiti is found and provide them with simple tools and equipment, such as sandpaper, wire brushes, etc., to clean the rocks. During the process, they also introduce the common types of rocks in Hong Kong, the unique geological features and landscapes of the site as well as their relationship with  ecosystems and culture. They aim to raise the public’s interests and awareness of the importance of rocks and thus geoconservation, from understanding to cherishing.

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